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Android Pie 9.0.0 for Nitrogen8M

Android 9 Pie for Boundary Devices Nitrogen8M


The Nitrogen8M is an ARM based single board computer (SBC) designed to leverage the full capabilities of NXP’s i.MX8M Quad processor. It includes an accessory kit option with a 5V Power Supply, Battery, and Serial Console Cable. The Nitrogen8M is designed for mass production use with a guaranteed 10 year life span, FCC Pre-scan results, and a stable supply chain. Industrial temperature and conformal coating options are available.

Release Notes

Here are some important remarks about our build:

  • Android 9.0 with Linux Kernel 4.14
  • Based on NXP release: p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga
  • Compatible with the Nitrogen8M single board computer
  • Compatible with the BD080MCC1 MIPI display (8 inches)
  • Compatible with any FullHD HDMI display
  • Userdebug build with permissive SELinux and disabled DM Verity
  • Android Verified Boot disabled
  • Android A/B partitions disabled,
  • This is an unsupported release. For commercial support please contact us.

The build includes the following Kynetics applications:

  • Update Factory:
  • SPI handler
  • GPIO handler

F-Droid is also included to allow installing Android applications directly from the device using the ethernet or the wifi connection.

Flash Instructions

The following steps will guide you through the installation of Nitrogen8M on the Nitrogen8M.

Hardware Requirements

  • Nitrogen8M single board computer (2GB or 4GB of RAM)
  • The BD080MCC1 MIPI display (8 inches) or a FullHD HDMI display
  • The serial console cable adapter for the Boundary boards
  • A host computer running GNU/Linux, MacOS or Windows
  • Micro USB cable - used with fastboot and adb

Software Requirements

Software Preparation

On Linux systems, connect the serial cable from the board to the host computer.

Connect also the Micro USB cable from the micro USB connector of the board to the host computer to use fastboot. A USB 2.0 cable is recommended, as U-Boot could have some issues with USB 3.0 cable.

Then, enter fastboot mode on the Nitrogen8M board:

  • From U-Boot prompt, enter the following command:
    => fastboot 0

From the Host PC:

$ unzip BoundaryDevices_Nitrogen8M-AndroidOS-p9.0.0_1.0.0-ga-dev-1.0-SNAPSHOT-[date].zip -d nitrogen8m_p900
$ cd nitrogen8m_p900
nitrogen8m_p900$ sudo ./

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